
Choosing a Suitable pet
Before getting a dog, it is important to ensure that you can
provide it with environment it needs. ringing a dog home is a big deal. Not only is it a major time commitment (many dogs live at least 10 years) but a financial commitment as well. Making this big of a decision can be terrifying, especially if you’ve never owned a dog. You might be wondering, “Which dog breed is best for me?” and “Will my dog fit into my lifestyle?” These are questions you should feel comfortable and confident answering before adopting, but where do you start?

Basic Care
A dog can be a wonderful addition to any home,
but whether you're an experienced pet parent or a
first-time adopter, it's important to keep your canine companion's health and happiness a top priority. Below are some useful tips for all dog parents.

Care in Old Age
Aging is a normal part of life, and at some point all dogs become seniors. The important thing to know is that senior dogs have different care requirements than young ones. As a dog ages, they become less mobile, their hearing and sight aren’t as good as they used to be, and they are more prone to various diseases.

Vet Visits
You know your cat or dog needs regular checkups to stay healthy. But how often should they get them? The answer depends on your pet’s life stage.

Be mindful that long-haired or doublecoated breeds require extensive maintenance and don’t overwhelm your dog by trying to do too much at once.

Every dog is capable of learning a great deal more than is generally recognized. Although it may take a special type of dog and a special type of owner to create a canine film star, home helper or agility champion, there is no reason why every dog should not achieve the essential basics of obedience and well-socialized behaviour.

Safety and Awareness
Keep your dog on a leash in public places and never allow your dog to wander off alone. Many cities require owners to scoop their dog’s poop immediately. As anyone who’s stepped in dog poop knows, it’s the right thing to do anyway.

Adopt, Don't Shop
The number of euthanized animals could be reduced dramatically if more people adopted pets instead of buying them. When you adopt, you save a loving animal by making them part of your family and open up shelter space for another animal who might desperately need it. Here are 10 reasons to adopt your new best friend.

Cost of Keeping a Dog
Can you afford it ? Buying a dog is the start very few puppies can be acquired for nothing. Almost everyone will want to sell the litter they have reared even if only to try to recoup the cost of feeding the feeding to weaning. The cost of good pedigree puppies varies from country to country.

Therapy Dogs
Therapy dogs are pets that improve your health by giving
emotional support. You can train your dog to be a therapy dog to provide support to yourself and to others.

Movies on Dogs
Seriously, how many times have we gone into a dog movie hoping we didn’t just get suckered into another one where the dog dies in the end? But some of those movies make up the classics. And some of those movies where the dog lives happily after ever, with a nice house and a bowl of kibble and a robust 401k, are also classics.